Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Sarlsfiel Bridge, Limerick

                                           Sarlsfield Bridge, Limerick Ireland
                                                           Oil on canvas 75.5 x 60 cm

                                                                  Francisco Uribe

ART FAIR at Castletroy Shopping Centre Limerick

I have an opportunity to exhibit recent body of work at a Gallery Space in Castletroy . Today am off to set up a small stall and put some of my paintings on display during this Art Fair. I was told by the Organizer Tom Heffernan that there will be many Irish painters. It will be a unic occasion to exchange impressions and techniques with other fellow artists, can not wait. If you are a painter or have an interest in this art practice, this is going to be great. For sure the life music, the Christmas decorations and our presence will   contribute to create a charming and inspirational environment for all. Come Along.
The Art Gallery at Castletroy Shopping Centre is located besides  Super Queen .
 I will give you more details and keep you informed of this event that is starting  today 15 December 2010.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Susan Philipsz wins the Turner prize – and art students stage a 'teach-in'

Certainly if one takes the lead from the Turner Prize, it certainly isn't about drawing, painting and sculpture anymore. Though even in my day, art students could go through art college without being able to draw, paint or sculpt in any traditional sense and seemed more about students being encouraged by lecturers to justify their lack of skills with third rate philosophical diatribes about self expression. Given that only a very small fraction of 1% of students will make a living through fashionable commercial fine art galleries, giving up on tradtional skills seems short sighted. My advice to students is don't be fooled by the fashionable art market and art preferences of curators, critics and academics like Serota and Co who fawn over amateurish art served up as creative self expression. Most artists I know who earn a living through their art but never get exposure by the metropolitan art world, are actually highly skilled. If anyone is doing art an injustice and giving ammunition to the people who want to cut funding for art colleges, it is the supporters of the type of art we regularly see in the Turner prize.By petrifiedprozaz

Para qué sirven los certámenes de Pintura

En primer lugar, para proteger y fomentar el arte
y, lo más importante, a los pintores, necesitados de currículos, dinero (cuestión vital) y reconocimientos públicos.

En segundo lugar, para hacer patrimonio. Aunque los médicos y los jueces disfruten de sus vanidades,la pintura también es o fué en su tiempo la golosina de la renta patrimonial de muchas instituciones.
Yo por mi parte voy enriqueciendome personalmente del desarrollo de mis pinturas, tratando de mejorar día a día en técnica y composición. Me pregunto si el Alcalde de mi pueblo estaría interesado en adquirir alguna de estas obras.

Muchos Ayuntamientos conservan obras de artistas galardonados las cuales vienen a formar parted en muchas ocasiones del mobiliario de diversas dependencias administrativas.
Me preocupa la escasa cantidad de concursos, convocatorias o becas de pintura disponibles hoy en día. Será debido a la crisis, al olvido, o al desinterés generalizado de estos tiempos que corren.
En fin aún cuando no he tenido oportunidad de ganar ningún premio o concurso de pintura me intriga saber de qué pueden servir aparte de para enriquecer patrimonios o decorar estancias públicas, para cubrir la parte vanidosa de muchos o para justificar la labor cultural de Ministerios Públicos y poco más. Un consejo si hoy en día no puede vivir de esta profesión, ni exponer, o participar en concursos que promuevan la pintura tradicional... hagan como yo, cedan las obras temporalmente a quien se quiera hacer cargo de ellas.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Limerick Paintings 2010

Limerick Paintings 2010

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