Thursday, August 13, 2015

Brian Despain

Desde muy temprana edad, Brian no tenía ninguna intención de apartar su atención de su mundo de fantasías recreando imágenes en su cabeza mientras pasaban las nubes por encíma de su cabeza a la vez que inventaba historias imposibles con su ejército de dinosaurios, criaturas diabólicas, naves espaciales y otros objetos improbisados que cobraban vida en su interior.Sin embargo muchos años tuvieron que ser desperdiciados atendiendo sus obligaciones escolares con asignaturas como  química, matemáticas e inglés entre otras, pero arte fué la única asignatura en la que Brian podía sobresalir. El Instituto le brindó la oportunidad de profundizar y encontrar su propio estilo tomando clases y practicando duro antes de conseguir graduarse con un Grado Superior. Bien documentado y dedicado Brian fué capaz de abrirse camino y dejar su  marca en el mundo visual. 
Brian ha tenido oportunidad de hacer todo tipo de trabajos, desde diseñador gráfico, a escultor 3D, editor fotográfico, hasta ilustrador. El se considera afortunado  de haber podido  estudiar, aprender, crecer  y poder ganarse la vida y disfrutar haciendo lo que más le gusta . 

From early on there really wasn’t any doubt that a career in art was the direction I was headed. I was hardly interested in anything else and a lion’s share of my childhood was spent with my head in the clouds, doodling a veritable army of dinosaurs, space ships, demons and imps. Even much of my later schooling was spent failing other useful but mundane subjects like chemistry, math and english while art was the one area that I excelled at. College was hardly different, I spent six years finding myself and taking a lot of classes before graduating with a BFA. Documented and dedicated to my chosen profession I set out to make my veritable mark on the world.
Since then I’ve held all sorts of jobs, from graphic designer to 3D modeler, photo-retoucher to illustrator. I’ve studied, learned, grown and spent a lot of time as a professional artist making a decent living doing art, but in all that time and through all those jobs I’ve learned one all important thing. It was the time I spent, like the kid at the kitchen table, creating art for no other reason than sheer wonder of it all, that I was happiest. No matter the piece or the end result it’s the art that we do for ourselves that wholly reflects us as people. It is that art which is purest, it is that art which holds the most magic, it is that art which connects on the deepest level and it is that art that this site is all about.

So, on that note, take a look around, see what I have to offer and hopefully something in here pops, something connects you to that little boy, drawing spaceships and dinosaurs, and leaves you with a sense of wonder all your own.


IRG- Discovery


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